Thursday 24 May 2012

Dolphin Screensavers

Dolphin Screensavers Biography
Dolphins occasionally leap above the water surface, sometimes performing acrobatic figures (e.g. the Spinner Dolphin). Scientists are not always quite certain about the purpose of this behaviour and the reason for it may vary; it could be to locate schools of fish by looking at above-water signs like feeding birds, they could be communicating to other dolphins to join a hunt, attempting to dislodge parasites, or simply doing it for fun.

Play is a fairly important part of dolphins' lives, and they can be observed playing with seaweed or play-fighting with other dolphins. At times they also harass other local creatures, like seabirds and turtles. Dolphins also seem to enjoy riding waves and frequently 'surf' coastal swells and the bow waves of boats. Occasionally, they're also willing to playfully interact with human swimmers.
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
Dolphin Screensavers
3D Wild Dolphin Screensaver With Download Link
Dolphin SCR

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